Welcome! I’m devoted to seeing womxn writers succeed worldwide, through industry jobs, community and collaboration.
As a published author who has also been a development exec (JUST FRIENDS, THE GOOD NIGHT) I’m excited to discover and promote new female voices so these important stories get seen and heard.
I was very fortunate to be mentored by comedian Garry Shandling. In a pay it forward way, I currently support womxn writers through a mentorship program with me for talented young writers (by application). Applications are closed for 2020. Watch my Twitter account for notice of a new cohort @ThisisKaia
If you’re a womxn writer with at least ONE serious career accomplishment (won a competition, are published, have been staffed in a writer’s room etc.), you can apply to join my private Facebook group called Writing with Kaia here:
Yes, I’m available for industry speaking gigs.
Please contact me with any questions.
Kaia Alexander